Query: all
Command: responsible:id#91868
April 15th, 2010 @ 08:49 AM
Created by Ricardo Rauch
Completed on April 15th, 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Displaying tickets 201 - 300 of 307 in total
- #202 FEED URL parsing entities
- #203 Pictures do not display but are in cache
- #204 Sites With Multiple RSS Feeds
- #205 Campaign processed. 0 posts fetched
- #206 Can't Add campaign.
- #207 Feeds from Yahoo Pipes not working.
- #208 posting twice though set to 1
- #209 issues with time
- #210 Not post in Fetch
- #211 images are not cashed
- #212 Image not cached with %
- #213 Time interval being ignored
- #214 WordPress Post Count?
- #215 On Submit no Campaign created
- #216 Problems with WP-O-Matic Database
- #217 Allow Pings?
- #218 Wp-o-matic setup problem
- #219 wp-o-matic not pulling full feeds from anywhere
- #220 Cannot edit feed title or URL
- #221 Feed title/description should be stored as utf8
- #222 Posts added in status pending
- #223 Does not work with RSS feed with the '&' character in the URL
- #224 Plugin not supporting special characters
- #225 Admin page conflict with Gigs Calendar plugin
- #226 Podcast feed question
- #227 Problem with tables phpmyadmin
- #228 wp-o-matic help?!?
- #229 Add more to "Next campaigns"
- #230 Time stamps not working, "<" characters not passing
- #231 WP 2.7 & RSS URLs
- #232 Crash
- #233 Images not showing...
- #234 AutoTags not working on new posts
- #235 New feature needed
- #236 Number of posts
- #237 post count conflict
- #238 parse errors mysql 5.0.77
- #239 Cron URL does nothing
- #240 I couldnt map/get content tag in feed
- #241 Fix for CPU Exceeded and Duplicate Posts...
- #242 Ampersands in feed URLs break feed fetching
- #243 Custom template error
- #244 WP-O-Matic not posting on auto
- #245 WP-O-Matic and Custom Fields
- #246 Initial Setup Screen -- Buttons Don't Work
- #247 Image cache path problem
- #248 RegEx not working properly
- #249 WP-O-Matic creating custom fields
March 15th was 6 days ago! :-) - #251 How to limit the Number of Words in a Post
- #252 Installed Wp-o-matic, stopped simple tags and wordpress stats working properly.
- #253 Cant Set Cron For Wp-o-matic
- #254 Trying to re-install and re-activate
- #255 Title Links To Source
- #256 Problem with iTunes store feed
- #257 Post limitation
- #258 Timeout on grabbing a feed that exists
- #259 wp-o-matic plugin crontab job error message
- #260 Cant save settings on Apache running on windows
- #261 Post Date and Time
- #262 Image caching issue
- #263 cURL error 28: connect() timed out!
- #264 Adding an image to a campaign
- #265 Content no longer Added to posts
- #266 Cron Jobs flood my 25 processes limit
- #267 Cannot Create Campaign
- #268 Wp-o-matic and Directadmin
- #269 Irrelevent Feed Content
- #270 Issue with Yahoo Pipes feed
- #271 Button next doesn't work
- #272 giwe error after a minute.
- #273 Duplicate Posts
- #274 Can't click or goto Feeds and the rest of the tabs
- #275 Cron Job problem - No such file or directory
- #276 Can't re-setup web cronjob When webcron.org expired!!
- #277 can't setup and configure wp-o-matic
- #278 Incorrect Categories and Duplicates
RSS code - #280 Add custome template to old posts
- #281 Problems with cached images
- #282 Missing "<" ">" tags in fetched posts
- #283 Strange errors when fetching manually
- #284 Added characters to title and slug
- #285 Next campaigns to process shows "Next!" doesnt count down
- #286 Is it possible to show rss images in categories or on homepage?
- #287 Wp o matic and cusotm fields
- #288 Image cache path error
wp-o-matic vs wp stats - on dashboard -
How to configure to give proper credit to author and originating site? - #291 fsockopen error
- #292 No content Showing
Install: Fail -
Campaign processed. 0 posts fetched - #295 arras theme 1.3+ and wp-o-matic
- #296 Creating duplicate posts every fetch
- #297 Duplicate content to excerpt?
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - #299 no such file or directory
- #300 Adding custom fields to wp-o-matic
- #301 wp-o-matic strips html
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