Query: all
Command: responsible:id#91868
April 15th, 2010 @ 08:49 AM
Created by Ricardo Rauch
Completed on April 15th, 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Displaying tickets 101 - 200 of 307 in total
- #102 (SimplePie said: cURL error 28: Operation timed out with 0 out of -1 bytes received)
- #103 Feed URLs convert '&' to '&'
- #104 Cache alternative hack to file_get_contents
- #105 wp-o-matic download site out of commision
- #106 No new posts (without any error)
- #107 Help is Broken
- #108 Cron Question
- #109 Apply Post Template to Permalink Page Only?
- #110 Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- #111 Works great except for...
- #112 Date/time problems
- #113 Infinite loop and wordpress getting hanged
- #114 Posts Not Showing Up On Blog
- #115 No new posts added
- #116 Source Link open in a new window
- #117 Google news ...
- #118 Problem with change author username
- #119 Certain permalink redirects to WP login page
- #120 Some RSS feeds don't work
- #121 Cannot detect &
- #122 Con Job Problem
- #123 HELP wp-o-matic fetchs rss badly
- #124 Doesn't fetch any articles
- #125 Wpomatic 'fetch' brings web server down (100% CPU)
- #126 Modifying My Post Links
- #127 Content not posted from Yahoo Pipes rss feed
- #128 Options page loops to home dir.
- #129 wp-o-matic crashes mailpress write
- #130 In compatibility with Wordpress plugin TDO Mini Forms
- #131 Text in Post Justify Right
- #132 image links to text links
- #133 Can't Cache
- #134 Have to manually "fetch"
- #135 Cron.php not found
- #136 Nothing Happens In Setup
- #137 Feeds are posted without linkback to original post
- #138 cache is not writable error
- #139 Cron Job USR/Bin @ joyent Accelerator
- #140 doesn't work on 2.6.2
- #141 Call to undefined method SimplePie
- #142 Question Wp-o-matic and server migration
- #143 Yahoo Pipes Update ??
- #144 Characters limit on RSS ?
- #145 Add Compaign does not do anything
- #146 Possible Bug in ProcessFeed function
- #147 Forcefetch vs cron vs no cron
- #148 Problem with Multiple Same Posts
- #149 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: set_item_limit()
- #150 Advertising is not re-occuring as template.
- #151 HTML Code showing in post
- #152 Feeds not parsing html code
- #153 Can only get feeds from urls on my box
- #154 Image Caching
- #155 wp2.7 - stops 'screen options' persisting.
- #156 upload just the PHP file?
- #157 {feedurl}
- #158 WP O Matic does not like feed URLs with "&" in them?
- #159 WP-o-Matic and WP 2.6.3 - Setup not showing
- #160 2.7 beta: WP-o-Matic nag blocks Help menu
- #161 2.7 beta: URL verification icons absent
- #162 Datafeedfile.com
- #163 Can't turn off pingbacks
- #164 Could not open input file
- #165 Use feed future date
- #166 Rewrite/Link To not working
- #167 Cron Job not recieveing any data
- #168 Strip links in description
- #169 Next campaigns to process stops to "next".
- #170 With a .XML file, the wp:meta_key are not saved
- #171 XPath style variables in custom post template
- #172 WP-o-Matic not working with Blogger feeds
- #173 excerpts?
- #174 Pipe.Yahoo's feed don't work
- #175 How do I Customize Post Template?
- #176 Conflict between wp-o-matic and mailpress
- #177 bad post checking
- #178 fixed - Stops processing scheduled fetches
- #179 WP-o-Matic not working with blogfa.com,mihanblog.com,persianblog.com feeds
- #180 Messages displaying oldest on top
- #181 No new post and can't manually fetch
- #182 Options page loops to main blog
- #183 WP-O-MATIC Plugin error in wordpress - urgent help please
- #184 Sometimes, new numbered categories are created after feed fetch...
- #185 Trouble in install : Fatal error in activation
- #186 rendering HTML as code, not images
- #187 Blank Plugins Page After Activation
- #188 wp2.7 conflict with Wordpress Stats plugin
- #189 Would like to *really* reset a feed
- #190 Support custom title templates
- #191 Remove log entries older than (X) days
- #192 how to run a cron job?
- #193 Not Fetching anything
- #194 Setting up WP-o-matic in SSL session not possible
- #195 Embedded video ?
- #196 Not decoding entities
- #197 Images losing Formatting
- #198 Cannot redeclare class WPOMatic
- #199 disable comments
- #200 Feeds are not being fetched as scheduled
- #201 race condition in cron jobs
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